Friday, 29 July 2011

Executive Lounge - Viren Naidu

Executive recipe

Cooking has been a passion for the past 25-30 years; I was probably forced into it during my university days but since then it's been a passion and an art, which I thoroughly enjoy. The inclination for cooking grew with the possibilities which cooking allows to express oneself. One of the things I love about cooking is that it's creative - I'm mixing flavours, colours, feelings, etc that go well together on a plate. The reason why this passion grew was because it's an enormously large landscape of opportunities to experiment and express. I try my hands on all kinds of cuisine like Italian, Chinese, Thai and Indian but most often it's fusion.

Executive snapshots

I am also fond of photography. The first time I held a camera in my hands at the age of eight, I realised that I had the power, not only of capturing a moment in time, a memory, but also I could tell a story. Furthermore, I could create my own world. My passion for photography stands out of my passion for wildlife. Wildlife and nature humble you and make you realise how microcosmic you are in the universe. My best pictures were taken during my trip to Okyango Delta, where I spent close to four days following a herd of elephants.

Executive safari

The fascination for wildlife started at a very young age. I have watched wildlife practically across the globe, from Alaska to Africa and from India to Russia. Some of my cherished movements have been watching dolphins and whales, the big cats, the giraffes and the elephants in Africa and the tigers and birds in India. Wildlife gives you an example of how excellence in strategy and excellence in execution is the way of life. 


PREM KUMAR, CEO, Fly India (Meridian Telecom UK

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